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10 Repo Structure

Our projects are hosted on the HSE GitLab Server.

This page defines the default repository structure used by these projects.

Repository names are always lower-case!

    /DocGen                        // RAT-generated documentation
    requirements.xlsx              // requirements document
/PPL                               // PPLs the project code depends on
/Resources                         // Various stuff, like icons
/<%project_directory%>             // Contains the actual source codes of the project
/Tests                             // All sorts of tests for the repo
    /Unit Tests                    // Unit Tests for the source code
/Tools                             // Project-related helpers like converters etc
    /PPL                           // Tools related to using and building PPLs
    /VIP                           // Tools related to building VI packages 
.gitignore                         // ignore definitions for git
.gitlab-ci.yml                     // generic config for gitlab CI                    // details about collaborating
rat.yml                            // specific config for gitlab CI
rat-analyzr.cfg                    // config file for VI Analyzer (LV version specific!)
LICENSE                            // legal details                          // description of project
<%project_name%>.vipc              // VIPM configuration file
<%project_name%>.vipb              // VIP build configuration file (if applicable)

For details on the project directory structure, see the Project Structure wiki page.

More information on the files displayed here are available:

For a more generic take on how we structure our software projects, see the Structure page of our WoW description.

code/common/repository-structure.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/15 13:33 by joerg.hampel