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11 Setup

Project Template

The easiest way to start a new project based on our HSE Application Template is by using the HSE Application Template Wizard. It installs a project template which you can use from LabVIEW’s “Create Project…” menu. The toolkit can be installed via VI Package Manager:

Project template for creating new projects based on the HSE Application Template:

Semi-Manual Tool

Julian Schary has started work on a tool that automates steps 2-3. You can find it inside the repository at ''/Tools/Project Initializer/''.

Manual Process

Starting your own project based on the HSE Application Template takes only a few steps.

0. Install Dependencies

  1. Apply the project's VI Package Configuration (.vipc) file

The .vipc file is available for download from GitLab:

1. Prepare Project

  1. get the latest release (or clone or download the code from the repository on GitLab)
  2. extract the downloaded archive file

Beware that some libraries are included in the git repository as git submodules. Make sure that those are correctly initialised when cloning the repository. Also, be aware that submodules are not included when downloading the source code from GitLab. Download a release package from our Dokuwiki instead.

The latest release packages are available for download from our Dokuwiki:
HSE Application Template Releases

Make sure that you see a valid HSE project structure:


2. Rename Files

Rename all occurrences of TEMPLATE with the project name of your choice. For the sake of this example, let's assume we want our new project to be called MyNiceProject!

  1. Rename /TEMPLATE_Config/ to /MyNiceProject_Config/
  2. Rename /TEMPLATE_Source/ to /MyNiceProject_Source/
  3. Rename /TEMPLATE_Source/TEMPLATE.lvproj to /MyNiceProject_Source/MyNiceProject.lvproj

3. Update LabVIEW Files

  1. Update the block diagram constant labelled PROJECT Name in /MyNiceProject_Source/Project/PROJECT_Name– to the value of MyNiceProject
  2. Optionally, update the build specification inside the .lvproj to point to the folder /MyNiceProject/, which needs to sit on the same level as the /MyNiceProject_Config/ folder

4. Check Configuration

See also Configuration.

  1. In MyNiceProject_Config/, copy the config.ini.default file to config.ini
  2. Optionally, create a new Unit_MyNiceUnit folder (this will contain your own, private set of configuration files)
  3. Update the MyNiceProject_Config/config.ini file to point to MyNiceUnit

code/dqmh/hse-application-template/setup.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/09 17:11 by joerg.hampel