Table of Contents
31 HSE Reuse Collection
The HSE Way of Working includes, among many other things, a collection of reuse code that we base most of our projects on. That ecosystem of tools and libraries allows us to streamline development and adhere to a high quality standard.
All of the following resources are available as open-source code!
HSE Generic Libraries
These libraries are generic, i.e. not specific to the HSE Way of Working, and have no further dependencies on other HSE reuse libraries:
HSE Core Libraries
In addition to the generic libraries, we maintain our HSE-specific core libraries, which form the basic layer or foundation of our projects:
HSE Application Template
Our application template is targeted at software built with and around DQMH modules. It is based on our UI framework (which builds on the HSE flavour of DQMH®) and comes with basic functionality for module loading and configuration, UI management and logging/debugging. This template serves as a springboard or starting point for *all* our LabVIEW applications.
The HSE Application Template builds on top of the core and generic libraries and completes the HSE Reuse Collection.