Table of Contents
03 FAQ
Upgrade Instructions
create a subclass of DB-Interface and add decryption in
Init Interface
How can I encrypt my credentials in the config file?
read about AES encryption
create a subclass of
add decryption before calling the parent's
Advanced usage in subVI
If you want to access a database from a SubVI of a larger DQMH module, but you don't want to start the entire module, there's an easy way to get a DB-Connector running in the SubVI without starting the whole project:
Configure DB-Connector in your project
Open “Test” and run
Press “Run New Module Instance”
Your SubVI should already look somewhat like this:
Copy value from “Active Modules” to your SubVI “DB Module ID” front panel element and run. The DQMH request VIs send commands to the running instance of DB-Connector
When done, use “Stop Module Instance” in DB-Connector and close your SubVI.
code/open-source/hse-db/faq.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/09 15:14 by alexander.elbert