Table of Contents
01 Learning
NI: LabVIEW Tutorial
NI: Getting Started with LabVIEW (Youtube)
LV MakerHub: LabVIEW Basics
Other Resources
Online Courses
CLD Exam
Materials you can go through:
open Additional Online Learning Resource in second window
LabVIEW Help –> Fundamentals –> Application Development and Design GuidelinesWUELUG13 Session-
write VI Analyzer config for checking style and documentation
create a virtual machine with new LV installation, without any VI-Packages installed
delete the lv.ini before you start on a task
be able to implement standard functionality in no time at all
FGV Timer with all options (start, check, reset, auto-reset, pause, more?)
File IO (csv, ini, more?)
State Machine
Producer, Consumer with events
during the exam:
Timing is the hardest challenge
max 4h
reserve first 15 - 20 minutes for reading
plan your state machine / flow chart / whatever on paper
create standard framework, e.g. state machine template should be ready after first hour
start with something easy e.g. the Timer FGV you know by heart to have a good feeling at the beginning
if you don't know how to implement a feature, skip it and come to it back later (create a dummy.vi with bookmarkmanager #todo)
focus on code quality and documentation continuously
test, test, test
reserve last 20 minutes for clean-up
use a template VI (VI Icon, Comment, VI-Description, Error in & out, Module Data in & out)
bring your own mouse and keyboard
save directly on the usb-stick
use auto-populated folder
main.vi should not be broken
implement only what is needed, keep it simple!
exam evaluation-
programming style: 15 points
functionality: 15 points
documentation: 10 points
with 28 of 40 points, you pass the exam
style & docu make already 25 points, so focus on them before implementing another feature
documentation: edit-
VI description
label names
cluster names
just write names to be fast, content is not important
FP controls properties: tip strip & description
position of wires, subVIs, etc
VI icons e.g. glyph and name
subdiagram labels
align FP elements to connector pane (shortcut)
avoid nestes case structures
avoid crossing wires
take a few minutes to adjust e.g.
enable subdiagram labels visible by default
show created constant labels
recommendation on state machine / features-
keep it simple
implement the requirement, don't think about the future and make it elegant
kb/labview/learning.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/17 17:17 by joerg.hampel