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03 Caraya

In addition to the Caraya VIs, the HSE Unit Test template VI is used. It can be installed via our HSE

The HSE vi template for the Caraya Unit test VI is designed to simplify the development of unit tests. It consists of Caraya VIs to initialize the unit test and an assertion VI as an example. They are there as placeholders and should be modified as needed. Another key factor of the template VI is the Flat Sequence Structure with 3 frames: Given, When, Then.

The Given frame should contain preparatory/setup actions for the actual test. In the case of a DQMH module, this is where modules should be started, configured. The When case is where the elements or units are tested. For a DQMH module, this is where the tested requests are being sent, and the replies read, or where broadcasts are listened for. The Then case is where the results are analysed, or where the outcome of the requests are evaluated. Broadcasts can also be listened for in here. Also in this case is where the clean-up actions are executed in order to stop the module. Good practice is to have an additional assertion for any errors which have occurred during the test.

kb/bestpractices/testing/caraya.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/12 06:30 by alexander.elbert