14 Smartgit Setup
Git settings in general can be saved on different levels. Sometimes it may be handy to develop on a shared machine and the repository is stored for common access under C:\Users\Public\Documents\Bitbucket
. In this case, user settings are not allowed to be stored inside the repo. Otherwise, one developer could commit with the name of another developer. To prevent this, make sure that
you have configured your user in your home directoy
C:\Users\<username>\.gitconfig file
there is no user section in
there is no user section in none of the submodules
example of user setting:
[user] name = Alexander Elbert email = alexander.elbert@hampel-soft.com
kb/bestpractices/scc/smartgit.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/10 13:28 by joerg.hampel