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13 Unit Test Structure

In general, we strive to make unit tests and work in a test driven way. But dependent on the project, the customer and the circumstances we don't force unit testing, we force the pragmatic approach. Find out more, how we test at HSE.

From all the unit testing frameworks, we decided to use Caraya from JKI.

How do we integrate unit tests in our project structure

  • We separate the unit tests (test code) from the source code of the project (code under test) by placing the unit test VIs in a separate folder (next to the <Project>_Source folder) and creating a separate LV project for it.
  • All the unit tests will be placed in between the two Caraya VIs. They serve the purpose to initialize and close a test suite. The connector pattern has to match, in order that our RAT TESTR can execute it.

Directory Structure

We have a separate LV project, to allow usage of conditional disable symbols. If the amount of tests is growing, it is useful to structure them in a clean way.

/<%project directory%>
/Tests                                     // All sorts of tests for the repo.
    /Unit Tests                            // Unit Tests for the source code.
        /UT_Unit-1                         // All unit tests for a library or class (//Unit-1//).
            UT_Library-1.lvlib             // Library for this logical collection of unit tests.
             // This VI executes all unit tests in this library.
            Test_<Description>.vi          // Test case for one or more related unit tests.
        /UT_Unit-2                         // All unit tests for a library or class (//Unit-2//).
        Unit_Tests_<project_name>.lvproj   // Project file for the unit tests.                         // Main unit testing VI. This VI executes all unit tests.

Project Structure

  • We want to have clean dependencies and, again, clear separation between test code and code under test.
  • We decided to have a virtual folder Code Under Test where all dependencies from the tests will be placed.
  • Depending on the project, it might help to recreate the folder structure of disc hierarchy, but it is not mandatory to match 100%.
  • Goal is easy navigation, good orientation while not putting too much effort in it.
  • Auto-Populating folder may be used in exceptional cases if useful.
  • Have a virtual folder Unit Tests to round off the distinction
  • in some cases, it might be beneficial to wrap unit tests in lvlibs

code/common/unittest-structure.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/12 06:59 by alexander.elbert