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01 Overview


  • Based on a JSON Dictionary file which contains the defined languages and the translations for a identifier
  • Each control will be translated based on Label text as the identifier. The identifier can be extended with a control specific identifier e.g. Exit.BoolText or Language ListBox.Item0
  • Currently the following elements on the Front Panel can be translated automatically (LV-class - attribute name):
    • Control - caption.Text
    • Boolean - BoolText.Text (if MultiStr false)
    • Boolean - Strings[] (if MultiStr true)
    • GraphChart - XScale.NameLbl.Text and YScale.NameLbl.Text
    • Ring - Strings[]
    • ListBox - ItemNames

See our API Documentation for more information.


The Toolkit consists of two parts:

  1. HSE DQMH-Modul Translator - wraps the JKI Toolkit to provide a dqmh access style.
  2. HSE DQMH-Modul Translator-UI - provides a basic user interface for the developer to maintain translations.

HSE DQMH-Modul Translator

  • For VIs which should be translated call the Register VI-Request of the Translator and pass the VI reference.
  • The names of languages defined in the JSON Dictionary file can be obtained with the Get Languages-Request and Wait for Reply of the Translator
  • Call the Set Language-Request of the Translator to trigger translation of all registered VIs
  • Each time the language is changed, the Translator broadcasts a Language Changed-Event which can be used, if a module needs to manually react.
  • Call the Get Localization Phrase-Request and Wait for Reply of the Translator to manually translate a simple string. This can be usefull if you need a translation at a place where automated translation is currently not supported, e.g. to set the header string of a multi column listbox

HSE DQMH-Modul Translator-UI

  • Create, Open and Save a JSON Dictionary file
  • CSV Import and Export
  • Scan VI: generate the Identifiers needed for the Localization Toolkit
  • Duplicate Language: Create a new set of localization phrases based on an existing language
  • Add, Edit and Remove localization phrases

The HSE-i18n module utilizes the JKI Simple Localization Toolkit.

code/commercial/hse-translator/overview.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 09:47 by joerg.hampel