Table of Contents

20 Implementation

A description of how the generic networking functionality was created and how it works


The core functionality (hse-gennet.lvlib) and the GenNet reuse modules (GenNet-Server.lvlib and GenNet-Client.lvlib) are part of the HSE Reuse Collection. That way, we can easily use them in all of our projects.

This project - the GenNet Examples repository - is a showcase of how the generic, reusable gennet libs can be used in actual projects or with actual DQMH modules. It contains examples of modules using the generic networking functionality but the GenNet VIs and modules are actually maintained as a separate project in their own repository.

All the GenNet reuse code - GenNet-Client and GenNet-Server modules as well as the hse-gennet.lvlib - are installed via the HSE Core: GenNet VI Package.


The Generic Networking project aims to integrate network communication into DQMH in a way that is generically reusable and has no module- or project-specific dependencies. This means that the networking functions are oblivious to the actual datatype and content of the messages that are passed on, and network communication can happen totally transparent to both the user and the DQMH module itself. The Generic Networking project also implements network communication in a way that allows for enabling and disabling that feature during runtime.

All of this is achieved by:


When we use the term “Generic-Networking-enabled”, we mean overriding the default DQMH Message Queue class and making a number of modifications to the DQMH module:


This example shows a Generic-Networking-enabled module. The identical module (i.e. the same source code) is running in two separate applications:

The following part discusses the flow of data for a Request and Wait for Reply that is called on the local side but actually executed on the remote side.


  1. Local: DQMH Request Event with Notification
  2. Local Module: DQMH_Event_Main sends the message data as variant
    1. Notification refnum (datatype variant) is set as an attribute of the message data variant
  3. Local Module: knows that the local module is configured to relay messages and thus calls the case “Send via Network”
    1. checks message (string) against blacklist of messages that are not forwarded (eg 'Exit')
    2. The original message (string) is appended as attribute to the message data (variant)
  4. Local Module: The case “Send via Network” calls the “Send via Network” request event of the GenNet-Client module
    1. The message data (variant) is the payload of the GenNet-Client's “Send via Network” request event
  5. Local GenNet-Client module: MSG_HANDL_LOOP “Send via Network”
    1. The original message is flattened to string and sent via TCP/IP
    2. TCP read waits for response
  6. Remote GenNet-Server module: Spawns a reentrant TCP service VI for each client that connects
    1. reads the data from the network and unflattens it to variant
    2. If the variant contains an attribute “notifier” (the original one from the local requester), creates a new notifier and overwrites the invalid one in the received variant
    3. reads the message name from the variant attribute
    4. sends the message directly via the caller's message queue to the Remote Module's MHL
    5. Wait for notification
  7. Remote Module: MSG_HANDL_LOOP
    1. executes the called case
    2. reads the notifier reference from the variant attribute
    3. sends the notification from TCP service VI
  8. Remote GenNet-Server module: TCP service VI
    1. receives the notification from MSG_HANDL_LOOP
    2. sends the variant that was sent with the notification back via TCP
  9. Local GenNet-Client module: MSG_HANDL_LOOP “Send via Network”
    1. reads data from TCP, which is unflattened to variant
    2. If the original message variant contained an attribute “notifier”, the received data is sent via the original notifier refnum back to the request VI


GenNet-Enabled Module

Sender (GenNet-Client)

Receiver (GenNet-Server)