====== Performance Monitoring ====== [[kb:ni-rt:linuxrt:perf-mon|Click here]] for information about performance monitoring on RT. ===== Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit ===== The Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit (DETT) can help to identify performance issues. ==== Getting Started ==== - [[https://www.ni.com/de-de/support/downloads/software-products/download.labview-desktop-execution-trace-toolkit.html#411212|download]] a version, which is [[https://www.ni.com/de-de/support/documentation/compatibility/17/desktop-execution-trace-toolkit--dett--and-labview-compatibility.html|compatible]] - allow communication between LabVIEW and DETT via VI Server adding localhost to the machine access list (Tools -> Options -> VI Server) - open your LV project and the VI you want to analyse - in the DETT, select your project from the **Application Instance** dropdown - configure the events you want to trace from the **Capture Settings** menu - hit the green start button - start your VI / application ==== Tipps ==== * start with capturing Memory Allocations and Reference Leaks * add user defined trace events to follow the program sequence {{:kb:labview:tools:pasted:20230413-062759.png}} {{:kb:labview:tools:pasted:20230413-082058.png}} ===== Additional Resources ===== * [[https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019LT1SAM&l=de-DE|Monitor Execution Time and Memory Usage in LabVIEW VIs]] * [[https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000YIfZCAW&l=de-DE|Enabling Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit to Remotely Debug a LabVIEW Executable]] * [[https://stravaro.com/lvjournal/2011/11/dett-saves-the-day/|DETT Saves the Day]]