Invalid checksum for package <path>\somepackagename.nipkg Please check your internet connection and try again.
C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\Downloads\
and install the packageni-labview-ng-1.0-released-critical.nipkg
and install the package
The NI Package Manager stores all downloaded packages (*.nipkg) under C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\packages
. Usually, these files are no longer needed by LabVIEW and can be removed to get used drive space back.
See also:
By default, LabVIEW does not store user credentials for SystemLink Feeds inside the LabVIEW project file. You can modify the .xml source of the .lvproj file manually to store the credentials persistently. Add the following entries to the corresponding build spec of your LabVIEW project:
<Property Name="PKG_password" Type="Str">####</Property> <Property Name="PKG_username" Type="Str">####</Property>Â
Beware that even only opening and looking at the build spec in the LabVIEW IDE will remove those manual entries!
Courtesy Neil Pate
Errors are logged to: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\Logs
Under the hood the packages are MSI files, to get more detailed logging information run this command:
"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\nipkg.exe" config-set nipkg.plugin.wininst.msilogs-enabled=true
Additional information is available inside here:
You can use Package Manager's command line interface (CLI) to silently install and remove NI software, build and manage packages, and view the current state of your system.
To invoke the CLI, navigate to C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager
from the Command Prompt and then enter nipkg
. The built-in help for the CLI is displayed.
You can access help for the CLI at any time by typing nipkg help
. For help on a specific command, type nipkg help command
It can be necessary to provide a package for offline installation. In this case, it's important to also provide all dependencies to the package, too. With the following command, a specific package with all needed dependencies can be downloaded.
>> nipkg download --all-deps PKG-NAME
to specify another destination.
To find the correct internal name of a package, you can use the Package Manager GUI. Find the package in the list of installed packages and point to the row with the searched package. The context help will display the internal package name. E.g. ni-labview-2020-runtime-engine-x68
for the LabVIEW 2020 (32-bit) Runtime, see image below.