Table of Contents

11 Use Cases

Depending on the use-case at hand, any DQMH module can facilitate GenNet communication in one of two ways:

Transparent Use

This is the default use-case

Modifying a DQMH module to be Generic-Networking-enabled makes the most sense when you want to use a module's API in one application and have its code executed in another application, i.e. use the same module (identical source code) in both applications and configure it as client (forwarding requests via network) on one side and as server (receiving requests via network) on the other side.

Communication Scenarios


A Generic-Networking-enabled DQMH module can be made a proxy. All requests are sent via TCP to another Generic-Networking-enabled DQMH module running in another application and/or another PC accessible via TCP/IP.


A Generic-Networking-enabled DQMH module can be made to accept messages via network. The module accepts requests from other Generic-Networking-enabled DQMH modules running in another application and/or on another PC via TCP/IP communication.

Manual Use

Adding the GenNet helper modules (GenNet-Server and GenNet-Client) manually to a common DQMH module instead of converting a module to be Generic-Networking-enabled provides an alternative way of using the GenNet functions with any given DQMH module. This comes with additional work and less automation.

Technically, this is done by manually adding the code for starting and stopping the helper modules and for calling the network communication functions.