====== 99 Debugging ====== [[kb:labview:debugging|Generic LabVIEW debugging tips]] ===== Misc ===== * Troubleshooting * https://nilrt-docs.ni.com/troubleshooting/troubleshooting_index.html * Manage disk use with extra logging enabled * https://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-Linux-Real-Time-Discussions/How-to-manage-disk-use-with-extra-logging-enabled/td-p/3472215 * RT Crashing: Because of Priorities * https://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-Linux-Real-Time-Discussions/Crio-9039-RT-Crashing-Periodically-problem/m-p/3760697#M2561 * Disable Automatic Safe Boot * https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000kFQ6SAM&l=de-DE ===== Errors ===== * "LabVIEW (0x6) Generic File I/O Error: The File 'lvuser' Could Not Be Loaded": * https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P9vbSAC&l=de-DE ===== Booting into safe mode ===== //for NI Linux RT on Intel x64 (i.e. Atom) based products// * https://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-Linux-Real-Time-Discussions/Leaving-Safe-Mode-via-SSH-Command-Line/td-p/3546207 **Boot into safe mode:** /etc/init.d/nisetbootmode force-safemode && reboot *note that it seems rebooting while in safe mode will boot back into run mode (unless you have some critical error preventing it, in which case it will fail back into safe mode) **Boot into run mode (Redundant, see comment above):** /etc/init.d/nisetbootmode force-normal && reboot ===== Checking a filesystem ===== To check a filesystem the filesystem has to be unmounted with ''umount /path/to_fs''. If the filesystem is in use the unmount can be forced with ''-l''. //WARMING: To force the unmount can have unpredictable side effects.// To check the filesystem use ''fsck /path/to_device''. If the actual filesystem is not autodetected you can select it manually, e.g. ''fsck.ext4 /dev/sda4''. ===== Logging ===== //Courtesy of NI forums user [[https://forums.ni.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/108818|thoric]]// To have a more detailed crash dump: * add the following tokens to ''/etc/natinst/share/lvrt.conf'' DPrintfLogging=True Debugging=True * add the following tokens to ''[LVRT]'' section of ''/etc/natinst/share/ni-rt.ini'' EnableCoreDumps="True" * Save the files and reboot the cRIO * Log files will be found in ''/var/local/natinst/log/'' ===== UDP Broadcasts ===== if you assign an IP to the net address input, the UDP connection will be unable to receive broadcasts. https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/UDP-Broadcast-not-Received-by-UDP-Read-on-NI-Linux-RT-Target/td-p/4292684