====== 52 VI Scripting ====== //"LabVIEW VI Scripting helps you programmatically generate, edit, and inspect LabVIEW code. It contains several new VI Server classes, properties, and methods so you can create, move, and wire objects; edit the connector pane; create new VIs on the fly; and more. Use LabVIEW VI Scripting to create tools for increasing development efficiency, enforcing coding guidelines, or helping new users." ([[https://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/de/nid/209110|Source]])// Enable "[[https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VI_Scripting|VI Scripting]]" in LabVIEW's options {{:kb:labview:pasted:20231016-075304.png}} Install [[https://forums.ni.com/t5/Hidden-Gems-in-vi-lib/gh-p/8518?profile.language=en|NI Hidden Gems]], "//a VI package that gives you direct access to helpful VIs and libraries that are shipped with NI LabVIEW software but not exposed in the palettes//". ===== Helpful Functions ===== ==== Find Object By Label ==== | {{:kb:labview:find_object_by_label.png?direct|}} | ==== Miscellaneous ==== * [[https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019ZjDSAU&l=en-US|How to Programmatically Get or Set Custom Conditional Disable Symbols]]