====== 33 ini Keys ====== //The ''LabVIEW.ini'' file contains configuration settings for how the LV IDE behaves. The file is located in the LV installation directory next to the `LabVIEW.exe`.// ===== Suppress popups ===== Use the following INI tokens (LabVIEW.ini) to suppress popups and auto-reporting errors: NIERShowFatalDialog = 0 NIERFatalAutoSend = true NIERNonFatalAutoSend = true NIERShowNonFatalDialogOnExit = false NIERSendDialogClose = true autoerr = 3 DWarnDialog = false AutoSaveEnabled = false AllowMultipleInstances = true promoteDWarnInternals = false ShowAIVIsInErrorWindow = true //Taken from [[https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000001De1JSAS&l=en-GB|Best Practices on How to Use LabVIEW with Jenkins Continuous Integration]]// ---- ===== Remove "(no error)" from labels ===== From LabVIEW 2020 onwards, it's possible to suppress "(no error)" in error cluster labels when created via the right-click option "Create Control". Add the following line to the ''LabVIEW.ini''. NI.LV.RemoveNoError=True //See also [[https://www.facebook.com/labview/videos/615411719411123]]// ---- ===== Long Paths ===== LabVIEW has unofficial support for long paths: WindowsLongPaths=True //See also [[https://discord.com/channels/1015999107921354932/1049145020764127352/1200483840175648861]]:// | {{:kb:labview:pasted:20240409-153737.png?600}} | ---- ===== App (*.exe) INI ===== When building an executable (EXE-file) it comes with an INI-file of the same name (e.g. "My-App.exe" and "My-App.ini"). This INI-file contains several configuration options regarding the LabVIEW runtime environment in which the application is executed. ==== Run the same app in multiple instances ==== Normally, you can run a LabVIEW executable only once at a time. It's possible to change this behavior by adding the following line to the INI-file: ''allowmultipleinstances = TRUE'' ---- ===== Application Builder ===== See [[kb:labview:tools:appbuilder#exe_file_structure|Application Builder - .exe File Structure]] ---- ===== Deployments ===== See [[kb:ni-rt:deployment|LabVIEW RT Deployment]]