====== Shortcut Menu ====== //LabVIEW 2015 adds the ability to write VIs to modify the shortcut menus of LabVIEW's editor environment. You can add, rearrange or replace shortcut menu items for the edit-time front panel and block diagram or for the block diagram at run-time. These plug-ins do not affect the panels of running VIs -- they do not become part of applications that you build with LabVIEW. If you want to modify the run-time panel menus, use the menu editing nodes that have been available with LabVIEW for many versions.// ===== Paths ===== Open and run this VI: ''\resource\plugins\PopupMenus\Create Shortcut Menu Plug-In From Template.vi'' ===== Community ===== * [[https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Shortcut-Menu-Plug-Ins/tkb-p/3013|LabVIEW Shortcut Menu Plug-Ins]] * [[http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Shortcut-Menu-Plug-Ins/Darren-s-Favorite-Shortcut-Menu-Plug-Ins-zip/ta-p/3525280|Darren's Favorite Shortcut Menu Plug-Ins]] * [[http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Shortcut-Menu-Plug-Ins/AQ-Favorite-Edit-Time-Menu-Plug-Ins-and-Outs-zip/ta-p/3523920|AQ Favorite Edit Time Menu Plug-Ins (and Outs)]]