====== Custom Probes ====== * Default Probes: ''labview\vi.lib\_probes'' * LabVIEW stores custom probes in the ''Probes'' subdirectory of the //default data directory//. * If you want a custom probe to be the default probe for a particular data type, save the probe in the ''labview\user.lib\_probes\default'' directory. * Do not save probes as existing files in the ''labview\vi.lib\_probes'' directory because LabVIEW overwrites the existing files when you uninstall or reinstall. * Save probes in the ''labview\user.lib\_probes\default'' or the ''Default Data\Probes'' directories. Probes saved in the ''labview\user.lib\_probes\default'' directory are available to anyone running LabVIEW on the computer remotely. This directory is useful for public probes. Because the Default Data directory changes based on which user is logged in to the computer, National Instruments recommends you save non-public probes in this directory. ---- * [[https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/labview/page/caveats-and-recommendations-when-using-custom-probes.html|Caveats and Recommendations When Using Custom Probes]] * [[https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/labview/page/creating-custom-probes.html|Creating Custom Probes]]