====== 32 HSE Logger ====== The HSE Logger is at the core of our [[kb:bestpractices:wow|Way of Working]] - our "[[kb:bestpractices:wow:methodology|debug-driven design/development]]" methodology, specifically. All of our DQMH modules facilitate the HSE Logger for simple debugging. ===== Mandatory ===== The following screenshots document the default locations for the HSE Logger inside a DQMH module. ==== Initialize ==== Level: Info. {{:kb:labview-frameworks:dqmh:hse-logger-init.png?direct&600|}} ==== Error ==== Level: Error. {{:kb:labview-frameworks:dqmh:hse-logger-error.png?direct&600|}} ==== Exit ==== Level: Info. {{:kb:labview-frameworks:dqmh:hse-logger-exit.png?direct&600|}} ---- ===== Optional ===== ==== Configure ==== Level: Info. {{:kb:labview-frameworks:dqmh:hse-logger-config.png?direct&600|}} ---- ===== Others ===== For other cases, HSE Loggers can be added as needed. * Potential places for more logging are * Loading of configuration data * Creating / starting / stopping tasks * Consider using the "debug" level for less-important, more specific places * Be aware of adding loggers to loops etc.