====== 21 NetDX Network Interface ====== //**Net**work **D**ata e**X**change// The APPic NetDX network interface is a proprietary but well-documented and disclosed platform-agnostic TCP communication protocol. Clients can be any network-enabled devices that implement the same network protocol, such as PCs, Macs, NI RIO or PXI systems or 3rd party devices (eg Siemens S7 PLCs) running in their environment. ==== PDFs ==== {{ :kb:labview-frameworks:appic:app-instruments_appic-framework_netdx_en.pdf |}} {{ :kb:labview-frameworks:appic:app-instruments_appic-framework_manual-rev06_de.pdf |}} ==== Details ==== * [[kb:labview-frameworks:appic:netdx-tcp|Addressed (TCP/IP)]] * [[kb:labview-frameworks:appic:netdx-udp|Broadcast (UDP)]]