====== Encryption ====== Unfortunately, freely available VI packages for encryption are hard to find. Please let us know your experiences! ===== Advanced Encryption Standard===== We use [[https://github.com/IgorTitov/LabVIEW-Advanced-Encryption-Standard|Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)]] from Igor Titov e.g. to store encrypted credentials in config files. The package is not available on VIPM, so we provide a .vipc here: {{ :kb:common:advanced_encryption_standard_aes_-_vigods.zip |}} ==== usage ==== After installation, you can create simple wrapper functions, which use a constant key to encrypt and decrypt strings: {{:kb:common:pasted:20230714-073041.png}} {{:kb:common:pasted:20230714-073049.png}} see also [[code:commercial:hse-logger_extensions:db-handler#encryption|Encryption in Database Handler]] and [[code:open-source:hse-db:faq#how_can_i_encrypt_my_credentials_in_the_config_file|how can I encrypt my cedentials in DB_CONNECTOR.ini]]