====== 50 Releases ====== We follow a process when releasing software. This helps us adhere to our own standards and makes it easier for our customers and the community to find our offerings, identify major versions and keep track of the history of any given software project. ===== Components ===== * [[kb:bestpractices:scc:gitflow-workflow|GitFlow]] or [[kb:bestpractices:scc:project-forking-workflow|Project Forking Workflow]] * [[kb:scc:gitlab:cicd|GitLab CI]] * [[code:commercial:rat|Release Automation Tools]] * [[processes:dokuwiki|DokuWiki]] ===== For Automated Builds ===== //Using our [[https://rat.hampel-soft.com|Release Automation Tools]]// - create new version (release or hotfix) through gitflow - push repo to origin - this will trigger the CI chain if configured Verify that the release automation succeeded and the corresponding DokuWiki releases page shows the download link to the latest version. Here is an example of what a release page looks like: [[code:dqmh:hse-application-template:releases|HSE Application Template Releases]] //HSE: See internal KB for [[organization:internal-kb:sw-dev:release-process|Creating Releases]]//