====== 13 Fork Setup ======
===== SSH Setup =====
see [[kb:scc:git:ssh|SSH]]
===== Git Version =====
Fork ships its internal used git version. If you have installed a separate instance of git, make sure to have the same version installed to prevent confusion.
See [[https://github.com/fork-dev/TrackerWin/issues/601|this issue]] for more information about using only one instance.
You may want to use ''git update-git-for-windows''.
=====LV Compare =====
To use LV Compare (only available in LabVIEW Professional Development System) in GitFork, adjust the following settings under //File -> Preferences -> Integration -> External Diff Tool//:
Diff Tool: Custom
Diff Tool path: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Compare\LVCompare.exe
Arguments: "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -nobdpos -nobdcosm
Beware: LVCompare.exe expects absolute paths and two files with different names!
You can find a solution to make lvdiff work again within Git Fork here:\\
=====GitK =====
Integrating gitk ([[https://git-scm.com/docs/gitk/|The Git repository browser]]) into fork can be useful e.g. to check if a file has been modified on another branch to be aware of possible merge conflicts even before they arise. Execute a ''git fetch --all'' before, to see all changes.
Create a Custom Command (File -> Preferences) with Target File
Edit Path and Parameter to
"C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\gitk" --all "$filepath"