====== LUG Meetings ====== ===== 0. Prep ===== * create forums post * ask people for ideas on content, date and location * hint: copy contents of previous meeting's post and update accordingly. * create shorturl * log into [[https://bitly.com/|bitly.com]] * create new link (either ''bit.ly/NOBLUGxx'' or ''bit.ly/WUELUGxx'') * update Group Information page * add link to upcoming meeting's post {{:kb:bestpractices:meetings:post-template.png|}} ===== 1. Topic ===== * Find a theme for the evening * once set, think about "artwork" * Find presenters for the theme ===== 2. Details ===== * Pick a date and time * for WUELUG it's always 5 - 9pm * Pick a location ===== 3a. Finalise ===== - Create art work * find free stock photography that goes with the topic * eg https://unsplash.com/ * add copy (what, where, when) - Create Eventbrite page * put image and text * update shorturl for event * either ''noblugXX.eventbrite.co.uk'' or ''wuelugXX.eventbrite.de'' - Update forums post * update text * add image * add date/time/location * add eventbrite link - Post to other locations * LV Discord server * Invite to LabVIEWWiki Calendar * Invite the LabVIEWWiki as a guest (labviewwiki -at- gmail -dot- com) and include all relevant details * ...? ===== 3b. Update ===== * keep both NI forums post and Eventbrite page up to date with changes to agenda or time/date/location ===== 4. Advertise ===== * add entries to Zenkit Marketing Posts * post on usual channels with artwork and brief description * repost periodically (once a week?) ===== 5. Event ===== * Use Eventbrite to track actual participants * only registered users who show up will be tracked for recertification points * look into using the Eventbrite app for that ===== 6. Post-Processing ===== * update the Group Information page * move the "next meeting" item down to "previous meetings" * add the preliminary date for the next meeting three months in the future without link * eg "#21: March 2024" and the topic "Tbd." * send list of participants (Eventbrite export) to NI for certification points * Excel spreadsheets stored in ''\\Marketing\User Groups\xxxLUG\Meetings\'' * fill in [[https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=mh-6h81EpkOwCG_bRaUgTm5Q0v_gp3FCtwnfRnwCYJxUNTlaMjQ4WjJBUkdPN1BDUDVSTk1QQzU1MSQlQCN0PWcu|NI UG Validation form]] * update the meeting's post with a summary of what happened and how it went * take previous (WUELUG) meetings' summaries as template * publish blog post ---- ===== HSE Data Locations ===== These locations are specific to our own HSE infrastructure. Feel free to copy the basic setup for your own user groups. === 1. NAS === Path: ''\\Marketing\User Groups\'' * generic content about user groups * private data (eg. participants lists) === 2. Google Drive (public) === URL: ''/xxxLUG/'' * default artwork * this serves as placeholder and template for meeting-specific artwork * meetings * one folder per meeting labelled eg ''NOBLUG00 2024-06'' * marketing (folder containing art work etc) * photos (folder photos of the meeting) * any presentations etc * logo * misc. stuff {{:kb:bestpractices:meetings:lug-nas-folders.png|}} === 3. Google Drive (internal) === URL: ''/Hampel-Soft/User Groups/xxxLUG internal/'' * non-public things like brainstorming documents, member lists etc.