====== 05 Performance ====== For LabVIEW in general, see [[kb:labview:performance|LabVIEW Performance]] For LabVIEW Real-Time, see [[kb:ni-rt:performance|Performance on RT]] ---- ===== Memory Optimisation ===== ==== Swap Values ==== //tbd.// ---- **[[https://createbettersoftware.com|The HSE Way of Working]]:** \\ A set of guidelines that recommend programming style, better practices, and methods for all our LabVIEW projects. We ask all our peers to follow these guidelines to help improve the readability of our shared source code and make software maintenance easier. |< 100% 50% >| |[[kb:bestpractices:codingconventions:errorhandling|<< 04 Error Handling]] | [[kb:bestpractices:codingconventions:lvoop|06 LVOOP >>]]|