====== 98 Upgrade Instructions ====== ~~NOTOC~~ ===== >= v4.0 ===== * All [[code:common:hse-reuse#hse_core_libraries|HSE Core Libraries]] moved to ''vi.lib''. Any dependencies need to be relinked manually by removing any hse-libraries from the project and pointing towards the VIs in ''vi.lib''. * Besides [[code:open-source:hse-db|HSE DB]], further libs were carved out into separate repos/packages: * [[code:open-source:hse-gennet|HSE GenNet]] * [[code:open-source:hse-framework|HSE Framework]] ---- ===== >= v3.1.0 ===== All database functionality was removed from hse-libraries. The ''DB_Connector'' DQMH Module and database engines will be maintained in the new repository ''hse-db''. For database functionality download the latest release from the [[code:open-source:hse-db:releases|hse-db releases]] page. ---- ===== >= v3.0.1 ===== * Names of System Message Broadcast were renamed: {{:code:open-source:hse-libraries:pasted:20210304-062349.png}} ---- ===== >= v2.7.x ===== * minimum LabVIEW version required: **2016** * All modules should be successfully validated with DQMH 5.0 * The VI ''/Source/hse-ui/GUI/Subpanel%20-%20Load%20VI.vi'' will support **DQMH >=5.0 only!** * The DB_connector.ini config file needs a ''db_interface'' definition * ''db-interface="DB-MySQL"'' ===== >= v1.2.0 ===== The ''Init Interface'' methods of the DB-Engines have been updated to use our new configuration class. Make sure to use ''Libraries\hse-libraries\Source\hse-configuration\config-ini'' instead of the old one (''Libraries\hse-libraries\Source\hse-configuration\hse-config-ini''). ===== >= v1.0.0 ===== ''DB_CONNECTOR.ini'' doesn't need any longer a definition of ''db-interface''. Instead, when loading the Module a concrete class has to be passed in to inject this dependency.