====== 01 Overview ====== //Automate [[http://about.gitlab.com|GitLab]] by using its simple and powerful [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/|REST API]].// GitLab offers various APIs that allow to automate and integrate with external applications. This library facilitates the REST API of GitLab. REST APIs have been around for a longer time compared to GraphQL APIs, which may make them more familiar to some developers. It is often a good choice for developers who are more comfortable with traditional API architecture. More details about the GitLab REST API itself can be found at [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/rest/index.html]] ---- The [[code:open-source:gitlab-api-for-labview:getting-started|Getting Started]] page describes how to setup your project for using the GitLab API and gives a small example of an API call.