====== 02 Getting Started ====== Use the API Tester for a functional test. {{:code:dqmh:hse-mqtt:pasted:20230213-162847.png}} * An MQTT broker must be running on the network. One open source (EPL/EDL licensed) MQTT broker is [[https://mosquitto.org/|Eclipse Mosquitto]]. * After the module has been started, call the ''Set Client Parameters'' and ''Set Connection Parameters'' request to hand over ''Server Address'', ''Username'' and ''Password'' * Now call the ''Start Client'' and the ''Connect'' requests to establish the connection to the boker * Finally, you are ready to use the ''Publish'' and ''Subscribe'' requests to send and receive data. Subscribe to all topics with a different tool to see the published data. {{:code:dqmh:hse-mqtt:pasted:20230213-163138.png}} You can also start multiple clones, one subscribing the topic of the other, and see the data from the publisher arriving at the subscriber. - Start, configure and connect the publisher as mentioned above - Start, configure and connect the subscriber as mentioned above - write the same topic to ''Topic'' and ''Subscribe Topic'' and add some string in the ''Data'' control - Select module ID of the subscriber and click on ''Subscribe'' - Select module ID of the publisher and click on ''Publish'' {{:code:dqmh:hse-mqtt:pasted:20230213-163619.png}}