====== 42 Howto: Requests ====== ===== Request and Wait for Reply ===== //How to add a "Request and Wait for Reply" to a Generic-Networking enabled DQMH module// The Notifier helper VIs mentioned below can be found at: \\ ''\Generic Networking Example_Source\Libraries\hse-libraries\hse-gennet\hse-gennet.lvlib'' === Steps needed === - Add new DQMH Event "Request and Wait for Reply" - (in EHL) Add "DQMH-GenNet Add Notifier To Variant.vi" in newly created User Event: - Copy "Wait Notifier" from "DQMH-GenNet Add Notifier To Variant.vi" to Clipboard and replace given "Wait Notifier" from "... Argument--cluster.ctl" - Wire cluster output to Event Data in and Wait Notifier input terminals of "DQMH-GenNet Add Notifier to Variant.vi" - Wire Variant Out terminal of "DQMH-GenNet Add Notifier to Variant.vi" to Message Data input of DQMH Enqueue Message - (in MHL) Add ''DQMH-GenNet Get Notifier from Variant.vi'' - Replace Variant to Data.vi with “DQMH-GenNet get Notifier from Variant.vi” - Wire Wait Notifier output of "DQMH-GenNet Get Notifier from Variant.vi" to replace notifier input of Send Notification - Optional: Add ''Data To Variant'' for reply contents (otherwise it'll be implicit typecast) - Open the Request VI and fix: - Disconnect DQMH_WAIT_ARG cluster from DQMH_OBTAIN Obtain Notifier.vi - Wire a variant constant to element data type input of Obtain Notifier.vi - Add Variant to Data to notification output of DQMH_WAIT Wait on Notification.vi and wire DQMH_WAIT_ARG cluster as data type - See image below or use "Do something with answer" as template //The screenshots show reworking a ''Get FIFO Contents'' request// {{ :kb:labview-frameworks:dqmh:dqmh-gennet-ehl.png?nolink |}} {{ :kb:labview-frameworks:dqmh:dqmh-gennet-mhl.png?nolink |}} {{ :kb:labview-frameworks:dqmh:dqmh-gennet-req.png?nolink |}}