====== 43 Howto: Broadcasts ====== ===== Add Broadcasts ===== - In every DQMH module are always standard broadcast available by default, because the framework will create it. These broadcasts are //Status Updated//, //Error Reported//, //Update Module Execution Status// and //Module Did Stop//. These broadcasts are always sent over network by default. - Specific broadcasts have to be encapsulated into a generic broadcast. These generic broadcast is called //System Message//. (See first picture below) - The System Message broadcast has an identifier and a payload as arguments. The identifier is used on the remote side to convert the generic broadcast back to a specific broadcast. The identifier has to be unique and it is recommended to use the string of the message handling case. The payload includes the payload of the specific broadcast. - On the remote side the broadcast will be received and the message handling case //Broadcast Received// will be executed. The name of the received broadcast will be used to identify it. The four standard broadcasts are handled directly in this message handling case. The //System Message// broadcast will be forwarded and handled in its own message handling case, because it has to be converted. (See second picture below) - In the message handling case for the //System Message//, the specific broadcast will be back converted and fired. (See third picture below) {{ :code:dqmh:generic-networking:send_broadcast.png?nolink |}} {{ :code:dqmh:generic-networking:receive_broadcast.png?nolink |}} {{ :code:dqmh:generic-networking:system_message_broadcast.png?nolink |}}